Arranging a Funeral
J. Dilnot Smith & Son have been serving the communities of Sandwich, Deal & surrounding villages for over 7 generations and we are proud that we are still an independent family owned firm.
Please take your time in deciding on what type of funeral you would like and do not hesitate to ask us for any advice about anything.
Our office hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm but in emergency you can call our office numbers at any time.
Once you have decided on burial or cremation and where you would like the funeral to take place please inform us and we will confirm as soon as possible a mutually convenient time for the funeral.
Please remember that along with our diary commitments, the crematorium or cemetery will already have bookings and vicars/ministers have their diary commitments as well.
We will always do our best to accommodate your wishes but some flexibility is appreciated.
All other details and forms for the funeral can be discussed and completed at your convenience either in one of our offices or in the comfort of your own home.
Please bear in mind though that cremation and cemetery forms need completing as soon as possible so we can forward them in time for the funeral.
If you would like a home visit please do not hesitate to ask. As well as all funeral arrangements we would be pleased to help you with any of the following:
• Notices in any paper (local or national)
• Catering
• Floral Tributes
• Memorial Books
• Service Sheets
• Buglers & Pipers
• Horse drawn Carriages
• Jazz Bands
• Monumental Masonry
• Pre-paid Funerals